Wednesday 5 December 2018

Avoid rush in the journey of life !!!!

In the midst of a busy drive to the office, in front of me a car was crawling like a tortoise.  it is not giving way too. Frustrated, I was honking from behind and was boiling my blood.

Then I noticed a sticker behind the car, it was saying “Physically challenged; Please be patient.”
Suddenly I became calm, now I feel like protecting, saving
I was a little late to the office. But I was okay.

Would I show that much patients if I didn’t saw the sticker. Every people in the world would have to walk with sticker on their forehead to get consideration from others.

I imagined how the stickers would read

“Lost my job” “Fighting cancer”       "Suffering from Parkinson "

“Going through a bad divorce”         “Suffering Emotional abuse “

"Lost a loved one”     “Feeling worthless”    “Financially broken”  "Drained emotionally"....  So on

The truth is that all of us are in war with or struggles of our life's. Nobody knows anyone, be patient, be tender, compassionate and respect. Try to understand others who is bearing the labels that are not visible to our eye.
By the love for each other, let's get this world to a beautiful place


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