Wednesday 24 October 2018

If Phubbing were a plague; it would decimate 6 china’s

 In simple terms its “Ignoring the person in front of you in favor of your smart device ”.  Sounds very familiar???

The phenomenon may seem like a relatively harmless, if annoying, part of modern life, but research is finding that it may be hurting your relationships. Phubbing is common throughout the world; just imagine couples of the future sitting in silence; Relationship based on status updates; Ability to talk and communicate face- to Face completely eradicated; Can you imagine, well it’s happening. 60% of the world population are smart device addicts. it is said that 87% of teens would rather communicate via text than Face-to Face.

“If Phubbing were a plague; it would decimate 6 china’s”

In the latest study on the subject, phubbing was found to threaten four fundamental needs belongingness, self-esteem, meaningful existence and control. By making phubbed people feel excluded and disliked. That may be particularly harmful because phubbing happens all the time.
When someone phubs you, you may feel rejected, excluded, and not important. That can have a significant impact on your mental health.

People have no time to enjoy the nearness and company of their partners. They are simply busy read-through likes and comments on Instagram and Facebook. While they are keen on grooming their digital identity with images and glossy and attractive words, their real-life relations get too compromised.

Until recently, the three main reasons for divorce was sex, children, and financial problems. Currently cellphone has indisputably become the main cause of the divorce rates. The typical cuddling, fondling and cozying up of young couples are unfortunately being changed by endless scrolling on the smart devices.

Checking your phone again and again can become an impulse you can’t control. If you have a hard time stopping the cycle, speak with a therapist or psychologist. They can help you learn to redirect your energy. They can also help you discover why you may have developed this impulse in the first place.

For many people, social media begins as an escape, or a way to zone out at the end of the day. Social media may lead to worsening symptoms of depression and low self-esteem. A therapist can help you understand these issues and work to improve your response to them so that you don’t feel as dependent on your phone and the world inside your social media apps.

Let’s fill our homes with memories instead of things, moments instead of things. Putting your phones away and paying attention to those talking to you, there is a word for it called “Respect”

Realize!!!  Phubbing will hurt your life &relationships.

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