Tuesday 18 June 2019

We are real and true always !!!

An old man in soiled dress was traveling in an AC coach of the train. The ticket Inspector came to him and asked for the ticket. The old man started searching for the ticket inside his bag.

“It should be here” the old man mumbled.

The examiner said with displeasure as the old man continued his search. “You should show me your ticket when I return”

The examiner guessed that the old man was traveling without the ticket. The examiner returned a few minutes later and the old man showed his AC class ticket. The examiner felt guilty
 “I should not have judged a person by his appearance in first glance” he thought to himself

When the train arrived at the station, the examiner helped him out. The old man called a porter to pick up his luggage. The porter took the luggage but quickly put it down. He walked to the next compartment and picked up a nicely dressed woman's luggage and walked with them.

What do you think about the Porter?

Upon seeing this, the examiner picked up the luggage of the old man and offered to take a taxi. The old man thanked the examiner and given him some money and told “Please give it to the porter and advise him not to judge anyone with the appearance”.

When the returning examiner saw the porter, he said, "What you did was not right. In any case, the old man told me to give this money to you and asked me to tell you, not to judge anyone in the guise “

“I'm sorry sir”, the porter said “In the midst of the rush I left to tell you, it was a blind woman, I take their luggage regularly. I do not take any wages from her. If you happen to see the old man, you should tell him. Do not judge anyone in a glance

We think we are real and true always, in that pride, we often try to find fault with others.
Be like a fruit-bearing tree that, when stoned, produces fruit. Behaviours and attitudes should be beautiful than garden. Read good books. Perhaps a little word of it can cause a stir in the heart. Our adornment should be of gold or silver, but of modesty, humility, patience, kindness, and charity

Cheating, hatred and jealousy have no place in a healthy body. Think good even in the middle of the storm. Understand that everyone has problems just like ours. Calm the mind. If we have done something wrong in the past, take a lesson from it and let them go. Frustration is the worst enemy, and it has the power to destroy peace of mind

We cannot change the past. We don't know what will happen in the future, then why we grieve!!!

Courtesy: Whats app Message  

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